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Eastern Milk Snake

Lampropeltis triangulum triagulum


Found in Murray County, Ga

Found in Murray County, Ga


The Eastern Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum) is a small but robust snake. They usually have a dark brownish to white to grey color banded background with brown to red blotches on its back that are outlined in black. This snake has great variations of color in its range. The babies are very bright red with white bands. When they grow up the will usually fade away and be very dark. The Eastern Milks snake average length is 2-3ft but the maximum recorded was 4.4ft. Also in their range they will sometimes intergraded with the Scarlet kingsnake which will cause the snake to have a lot brighter red and white bands.



The Eastern Milk Snake are mostly found in the Northern part of the Georgia. They can be found in the rocky out crop areas of Mountains where they seek refuge under rocks and boulders. The can also be found under pieces of debris i.e. tin, trash, parts of roof and boards around abandoned houses and agricultural areas. They are also found rotten pine trees.



The Eastern Milk Snake mostly feed on lizards, small rodents, other snakes, eggs, and sometimes even baby birds.


Abudance and Behavior:

The Eastern Milk snake is for the most part uncommon but can be locally common. This snake is active during the months. They are both Nocturnal (comes out at night) and Diurnal (comes out during the day). In mid-summer though they are primarily nocturnal and on occasion be found crossing roads right after sunset.

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All photos are taken by myself unless noted otherwise. All photos are Copyright 2005-2006. If you would like to use any of my photos just email me and I will be happy to let anyone use them.


Need Help Identifing a Snake In your area? First though look through the photos of the snakes and if still have questions email me at and I will take a look at it. And most likely be able to get you a correct anwser. Also please do not send me pictures of snakes that have been choped up into pieces. This really distresses me and I have gotten several emails where there were people who showed me pictures of snakes that they killed and all have turned out to be non-venomous.


Never Pick Up, Handle, or Try To Kill Any Venomous Snakes! Most Bites Occur That Way! Never Pick Up A Snake That You Are Uncertain About!


Disclaimer!!! Please do not do anything you see me do on this website. Some of these animals are very dangerous and I understand the risk of working with them. The bite from some of these animals can easily kill me or do extreme harm. If you do want to get into venomous herpeculture please do as much research as possible about them before considering working with them. Also I would suggest getting proper training from professional before working with them too. I do not accept any responsibility for anyone elses actions.